Another weekend away. Or; How to turn a low budget runnaway into a 250E luxurybender..

As I told you we got a bit drunk about a week ago.
This not being anything strange, one woke up with the usual restlessness and buzz in the body that is normal when drinking til the early hours the day before..
So we had a little bet.
It's been on the table for some time now, and in the states we were in it seemed to be a brilliant idea!

One handlebar mustache and random scramble for mad friends later we are having the best ice cold absolute peach drinks god ever put on planet earth.
And we are packing.
For Spain.
OsGay got the pleasure of guiding the dutch clutch south and the rest of us axle the heavy job of polishing off one and a half bottle of prime vodka, accompanied with some 12 cold beers.
Do I need to say that spirits were high as we arrived in Sevilla?

For those of you who live in this Lisbon with us I might wanna mention the passengers..
of whos names I have a suiting picture!

After having found a restaurant, had an amazing dinner and some really nice Rioja we contemplated sleeping in a park before deciding to hit the road again..
Only a short drive out of town our spot came to us.
A beautiful summer field with all sorts of flowers and great parking became our home for the night, Luckily I am an experienced enough car-sleeper to quickly accept sleeping outside instead..
Which, to my total lack of surprise turned out to be the winning bet.
A car is only so comfortable.
A field on the other hand...
An insulated board bag under you, Norwegian heating blanket next to you and a sleeping bag model -78, and I promise you, you gonna sleep like a king.

Which I did!


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