Supa ikapp med en kiwi?

..It's not so hard.

Just fucking don't!


..No I mean it. Just don't!


No, I have not stolen the picture that frames this blog somwhere. Sometimes even I get lucky and get a good shot.
The pic is taken at Keel Beach in Irland, and anyone who is not afraid of a little cold water surf should check it out right away! It is a really spectacular surfspot, let alone an amazing little community. Love to the ones who are still making it there!

Below is a very windy Ericeira, Portugal who offered some of the sweetest longboardrides of my life. Amazing!


Easter Holidays!

It has been hectic.
To be quite honest I dont even know when the holiday started, or when its gonna end. Everything is just a blurr of one amazing day after another.
Had the pleasure of lodging two nice girls here during a few days, one of them beeing my beloved sister. They spent some amazing days here and I think we suceeded in giving them a taste of just how sweet life can be down here!
A lot of surfing, world-championchip in board dinging (Ms S.B took a clear victory!) and a few of the best clubnights so far!
My sister won everybodys heart like always and walked home from one of the nights with not one but three roses.. not bad! (And she still had my protecting eyes on her the entire time.. )
Ms S.B seriously impressed me both with the amazing surfing (stood up like nothing the first day she ever been on a board) and the ability to despite a raging cold always approach everything with a smile!
Really nice to have you both here!

When the girls left yeasterday the flat got all empty and since we have had at least a few visitors every night me and Jucka took the opportunity to clean a bit this morning. If the landlord only could come around to buying us a new vacumcleaner, this flat will almost look like a home again..
I think the cold that have been going round here ever since the girls arrived have rubbed off a little on me too, so I think I'll cancel the planned parkwalk and just lie down for a few minutes before its time to start cooking again!
And the amazing Jo just called and said he found a harwarestore, so I guess the boardrepair can continue tonight!
I'll be semi-professional in a few weeks if the boards keep beeing dinged at this pace!

So, here is a few pics from my time down here, I will try to find out more about summer and my plans as I have got a quite stunning amount of emails and messages about what I will be up to..
One thing I do know thou is that I will try my very best to hang around here to have a chanse to acompany chief chimp to Rage the 10th of july! Just hope I still have the flat, it would be super!


Comments left to right, from the top;
* No,no,no,no,no,no,no.. we are NOT standing around with our boards wating for the bus any more!
* Surfing a SICK spot in Figurea. (read the sign!)
* Our lovely hosts in Figuera da Foz. Thank you SO much!
* Just another night out..
* A quite alringt dinner, especially since it came with free refills!
* Yes, It's a shortboard.. and a shorter girl :D
* Figuera and Lazyboy upon arrival
* St.Pats, need I say more?
* George, a superstar from Lituania!
* The band. Played for like 5h! And they played happy birthday for me!
* Mathew and Jo, all loving it!
* Oh, come on! It's just 6 boards on it, and a little entrepreneurial parking never hurt anyone!


To celebrate the easterholiday we have kindly been invited to a town a bit north of Lisbon called Figuera da Foz. Stormriders guide talks about amazing point braks, rides of several hundred meters, long stretches of beachbreaks and magic seaweed and others (Beachcam Windguru) report about good conditions.
We are going with one of our new Portugese friends, whos name funnily enough also starts with M.. hahah, and she has been nothing but a little star to us ever since we met her.
I have high hopes of a wonderful weekend, and when we return two more joyful events await us; st.Patricks day and my sis comming to visit!
Happy days!

From left to right;
*Relaxing with a Superbock Green (corona style beer with lime already added!)
* Wiev from mountainpass on our way from Praia Grande and Guincho
* Guincho
*Creative parking outside uni. (parking is a little bit of art over here :) )
* Big swell hitting the jetties of Caparica
* 12 shots for 10 Euros (Who the F**K came up with mixing Pistang Ambon with Whiskey and Gin??)

Brilliant day!

Woke up with a terrible hangover.
Got forced out of bed.
Once you hit the water all the trubles in the world go away.
Two hour session.
Three cheesburgers on the way.
An amazingly inspiring strategy class with our mad american teacher that lived everywhere and makes fun of everyone.
One more session.
In the sunset.
Long, powerful, curling rides..
So forgiving you could surf a ship with ease..

I call it a quite average day..

How are you doing?


Anyone ever see this baby driving around without at least one board on the roof, call the cops, cause it has to be stolen!

Best wave of my life

Among all the concerns of you that are so fragile and the lectures that have gotten me to really really love studies again I manage to do it today. Live. Just in that moment. Take the feeling in and just live, there and then.

A late afternoon session, hit the water by 6.. sun already setting, sky flairing
in red, dark yellow and orange. BIG swell, almost no wind..
A few missed takeoffs.
THE wave.
Didnt look all that at the take off.
nice left curl
Deeeeep bottom turn
high up on the wave again
Almost a secound drop
quick bottom again,
high up,
starting to close
getting a smooth secound of right before speeding off
caught the white
few turns in front
smooth sailing
all the way in.

The grin on my face still says it all.
Thank you Lisboa.
I hope that this is what you have in store for me for many many days to come.

Ps. The green love is performing like wonders.
I am SO pleased with it.


Three ones and one two is N O T H I N G ! ! !

Especially if you had it for 2,5hours..

And nothing mechanical either!

It's green, gorgeous and MINE!


Barrio Alto.
1liter bottles of beer. 2Euros.

Even LazyBoy manage the very hard trick of getting sloshed.

Now a later start than allowed and surf is waiting.
Deadline tomorrow? Don't worry.. BE HAPPY!



With the wolds greatest N!

Saw guincho and surfed a blown out praia grande.
A bit too much wind (all onshore) but still a fantastic day!
Thinking bout taking visitors up there.. its a bit out of the way but still close enough to Lisabon, and the landscape is just absolutely breathtaking.
As anyone comming down here would see ;)

Now its thinking time. Polo or no Polo, that is the question.


Get your thoughts spinning

Yes, this was posted on one of the blogs that have been occupying all my morning, but I just found it so tuching that I had to give it to you too.

The wonders of the world

I could write a long text here that would sprout out of all the input that the latest half hour have provided me with.
But I think I wont.

I'll tell you how it all started thou.
I have had the first sleep in since moving to this fascinating and slightly mad country, and when my bed no longer manifested itself as the most heavenly place on earth I retreated to the living room and my old beat up laptop.

One class of my three best all times is on the schedule for today and why not come prepared I thought. Once lost in the millions of links and documents that are supposed to help us in our studies I saw a link.
Under the headline "And now something different" the link read; "totally useless link to be avoided"
Yes this is a highly intelligent man posting this.
He knows, as well as you and me could figure out, that very, very few people, if giving enough time and lack of stimuli can resist such a text. If not, the problem of computer viruses would be far smaller than of today.

I ended up in a blog.
One of many as it seems.
All connected to one man.
A man I on one hand respect and very much look up to, and on the other, quite as he wishes, has a hard time figure out.
The man is one of my professors.

The same feeling as when being presented with a fantastic business idea or meeting someone just a tad too exited over something start spreading in my chest, collapsing, crashing into the feeling of eager student, absorbing all the knowledge, and ponders over all the thought-seeds planted in my head..

As everything seems so well figured out, so routinely checked and thought through, from the layout and clever short phrases setting your mind before reviling the content of the link.
The pictures carefully chosen, music accompanying my reading..
I love it.
In a way.
In another I feel the alarm bells go off.
Not that I would be in any sort of harm, or suggesting any great plot, but merely because my mind recognize the efforts of mind alteration, the forces of making something attractive to the receiver.
The law of attraction.
Maybe because I live my life in a very similar way.
Maybe because I, by playing the same old game as the world rests upon, recognize the feeling of leading.
The feeling of being lead and the careful analysis behind it all.

Enough deep babbling, I just wanted to spew a few phrases out before heading out there again, collecting even more input, stimuli and experience..

Before continuing.... just living.

The largest mall in Portugal.... fucking huge! And they have a amusementpark at the top floor.

...Now you know.

Tack flickan.


Behövde skratta lite igår.
Och visst är den kul?
Och skrämmande likt våra liv ;)


hmmm chief chimp have informed me of a rather nice event taking place in my new home town.
I better search for tickets..

one in swedish..

...som inte alls berör mitt levene i den nya staden, all underbar surf som ja företar mig eller vilda utgångar till pubar som håller dörren låst..

Jag vet att vilket stolpskott som helst kan gå in på en av dessa gratissidor och starta en blogg, jag vet det. Och gör det mig irriterad så kan jag helt enkelt låta bli att läsa skiten.. vilket visserligen även gäller för nedanstående men måste ändå få ventilera mitt direkta obehag.

Det hela började med ett reklam-mail som letat sig in i min inbox hos gmail.. inte vanligt men det händer. Antagligen har min adress snappats upp av något samarbetsbolag och därför blev det inte sparkat direkt i sopkorgen av de duktiga vakthundarna hos gmail..
Hur som helst sitter jag här och väntar på evighetsris som aldrig tycks vilja bli klart och klickar mig vidare från mailet. Det handlar om en ny glansig internetportal för oss unga och vackra. Helst de av oss som bosatt oss i hufvudstaden och gärna håller oss så nära stueplan som är fysiskt möjligt.
Även jag fashineras dock av allt denna värld har att erbjuda och då jag har en del vänner som jobbar i smeten har jag haft nöjet att göra detaljstudier av det klientel som övriga städer så gärna apar efter.

Hur som helst har då denna portal anställt ett antal bloggare, vilka ska underhålla sin publik med allehanda inlägg om allt från sport till skönhet och lyx.. Huvudnamnet verkar vara en fager flicka vid namn Amanda Berg.
Jag tillhör med största sannolikhet inte hennes målgrupp men gick ändå in och kikade.
Då slog det mig.
Någon, antagligen godkänd av etablerade företagare, sponsorer och samarbetspartners har fått tummen upp att anställa denna flicka. Inte bara får hon lägga upp sina uppenbarligen totalt oredigerade inlägg på en sida med ett stort antal läsare, hon har även fått detta förtroende utan att inneha någon som helst språklig bildning.
Visserligen stoltserar hon ännu med ett fåtal föga inspererande inlägg, men pessimisten innom mig vill inte tänka på hur det kommer se ut om hon verkligen släpper lös och kanske till och med stressar ut ett inlägg i farten, eller börjar diskutera frågor som faktiskt spelar någon roll!?
Jag säger inte att jag är ofelbar, eller att jag ibland även jag begår snedsteg innom både modersmålet och andra språk som används på denna blogg. Jag är heller inte alls emot att ge en ung tjej chansen att underhålla oss med inlägg om allt eller inget, genom ett medium som frekvent besöks av en stor mängd människor innom målgruppen, men snälla någon?
Är det jag som börjar bli gammal eller är vi idag så internationaliserade att bruket av det svnska språket inte längre faller innom några som helst ramar eller regler?

"..som gillar fika med dig ikväll naken ." (notera även mellanslaget mellan n och punkt)
"rösta på HAN"

listan kan göras nog så lång.. även om man kan småle åt vissa saker och även finna en del formella "fel" ganska acepterade så häpnar jag när man ser vad som kan åstakommas i ett enda inlägg på tre ynka rader.

..och nej, jag har varken stavningskontrollerat detta, eller läst igenom det, så nu är det öppet mål att sparka in alla fel och otydligheter undertecknad stått för!

För er förströelse och Amandas välgång följer här en länk till hennes blogg och tillika sidan som anställt henne.

Ok.. so I am a lazy c***...

...Because I devote no time at all to all you people who log onto this site every single day just in surch of my confused mumbelings..

I am sorry, or, come to think about it, I'm not.
I am living the life here, what are you doing?
Am I supposed to sit down and report on my life so that all you anonymus people can track my steps, or should I just wait until I really have something to say, and more importantly.. until I give myself the time to write it down.
No matter what; NOW I'm going surfing!
Like andy sunday here..
No matter what time I came home last night..


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