
I've started posting a few pics attached to previous posts, but its taking its time...
I have 553 pics from the trip to go through and when I finally have chosen the ones that I want to post I have to resize and work a little on each and every one of them as well..

And the last posts from the trip is still on paper and needs to be typed into this sorry excuse of a computer..

Apart from sitting infront of the screen i am working all nights for the comming 13 days, then taking the reexam in statistics.. Yes, I am under a little pressure.

On the flipside the weather is turing a bit better and I have Nolia-mässan to go to. (sales fair where I can spend more of the money I dont have..)

I alos start to long for all the people again, let me know whats up and when you will be back here!

Now.. some lunch! :)


my bone, mine!


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