I don't believe myself. I have studied here for two semesters now. All courses have gone by like the wind, hardly any problems.. and for the amount of time I have spent with the books, I cant say its been hard. Hell, I even finished last years last courses with results in the higher margin of the scale..

And now this. This complete balls kick in the face, proper bitch slap in the crotch.

I am not even going to tell you how many hours I have spent in the air tight, oxygen free, boiling hot, stinking hell hole called a computer lab while the sun has been blistering down on sparkling snow outside. A computer program we never seen before, without introduction, and the first thing you hear about it is that throughout your working life, you will probably never see it once, because its shit. Thank you.

Sunday. 4hours. Computer lab.
-Then reading!

To top this off we have just found out that not one single group passed the last hand in assignment. Not one.
Brilliant. That assignment only took our brainie group 3 full working days to complete, and that with help of the teacher. Twice.

I am no off to sleep as I have to complete 2 reports tomorrow. No sorry, 3 with the one we failed..

How I will find the time to hurry off to Uppsala and return the car this weekend I simply don't know.. not to mention where to squeeze in the exam studies now when my beloved mother has decided to take a few days off work to spend time with her son.

Hope to post something not as pitch black next time. Stay tuned.



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