So the summer finally came

Even here.

I am sitting by the window of our appartment, trying to focus my mind on the differences and relationships between emergant and intended strategy, Porters rambelings and all the classical models and the criticism against them.. The new thoughts and my own..
In the meantime the sun is frying my sholder and a trip to the beach has seldome been more tempting.
But today I have to focus.
The last exam is tomorrow morning but for a lot of reasons it dosnt feel like its ending there.
Money is the primary factor for my unrest, all the bills, tickets and future cost associated with the end of the semester.
Moral issues arise as well, as always when one really gives oneself time to ponder the use and meaning of strayant behaviour from norms and regulation..
But I thik it is all going to work out. Somehow.


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