
(The following post is a follow-up on a Swedish post I did last night where I told about my bad day and how a certain blog was keeping me awake.
I write this in English as an answer to those of you who emailed/commented and asked about the long post.. )

I am not going to publish any comments regarding, Emil,  the blogger I linked to last night.
For a number of reasons.

* I read every little pathetic thing he writes because I like his witty ways with language, kind of the same reason why I also read the blog of Niklas Strömstedt or detvarintejagdetvarsossarna, only on different levels.
(All of them in Swedish, sorry guys)

*I am not going to let myself sink to the level of just bloging about other blogers.
If you dont like the non-contributes and general idiots that get so much attention out there, just dont read their shit.
Really, it is that easy.
I have been bloging for a while now, and I have found both blogs I like and blogs I don't.. no reason to scream about it.
(If it is not someone that I think deserves a little attention.. like say our boy Emil, for any reason.. or someone that writes about something that actually matters.. )

I do read the comments though, so if you have something to say to ME, or the things I write about, feel free to keep commenting, if you have something to say to the world about others.. go somewhere else.

Thank you, and good night


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