Political statement or rescue from another cold??

There is something on my mind..
The fall is getting closer and I have already had enough colds that hinders both my surfing and my studies..

So I have been looking for something to keep me warm for some time now.
Especially I have had thoughts of a lighter woollen scarf, maybe one of those Palestinian things that once again seem to be so popular with everyone from fashion pop-boys to school kids?

Mentioned this to a very dear friend of mine..
who then without further ado went ahead and got me one. Gift wrapped and all!!

Thing is, it is one of the most comfy things I have had in years, I love it, its not that..
but I am wondering what signals it sends.

This is what interests me.

I mean, really, if a pink detail on my bag can cause so much commotion, what kind of chaos will then a clearly left-associated accessory cause when carried by an outspoken liberal economy-student?

Has it lost its political symbolic value like male piercings lost its homosexual signals?
Is the drunken commies on the bar-street now automatically assuming I am one of them?
Is my finance sector friends going to scratch their heads in confusion?
Is the mystery that is me going to get even more blurry?

Really, I wonder.

But maybe its just me that spends days on end reading people..


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