When rain...
... Do NOT park in a hole.
No, really.
No matter how late you are for class.
Macaco in Portuguese means jack in English which means domkraft in Swedish, or gato in Spanish which in turn translates to cat in English..
Confusing enough?
Ok, then I'll enlighten you further:
Macaco also means monkey, but is also the word commonly used for little balls of snot you pick from your nose (commonly practised hobby by Portuguese drivers)
Snot with a more correct word in Portuguese is ranho, easily mistaken for estaranho which in turn translates to;
In Swdish; * besynnerlig * bisarr * egenartad * egendomlig * excentrisk * excentrisk individ * främling * främmande * hemsk * konstig * kuriös * kuslig * lustig * mystisk * märklig * obekant * original * originell * outsider * spöklik * sällsam * särling *underlig * utomstående * vriden
or, in English
* bizarre * character * cranky * curious * droll * eccentric * eerie * eery * erratic * funny * odd * out of the way * outlandish * outsider * peculiar * quaint * queer * spooky * strange * stranger * uncanny * unusual * weird * weirdie * weirdo
How I got out??
Portuguese solution;
The red car on picture 2 had its handbreak on. And a gear in.
Engines can be turned over more easily than you can turn a wheel with the break on.
Take three dirty mechanics, lift the back wheels of said red car from the ground.
Engine turns over and the car moves a little forward.
Repeat til there is enough space for my car to pass.
No, really.
No matter how late you are for class.
Macaco in Portuguese means jack in English which means domkraft in Swedish, or gato in Spanish which in turn translates to cat in English..
Confusing enough?
Ok, then I'll enlighten you further:
Macaco also means monkey, but is also the word commonly used for little balls of snot you pick from your nose (commonly practised hobby by Portuguese drivers)
Snot with a more correct word in Portuguese is ranho, easily mistaken for estaranho which in turn translates to;
In Swdish; * besynnerlig * bisarr * egenartad * egendomlig * excentrisk * excentrisk individ * främling * främmande * hemsk * konstig * kuriös * kuslig * lustig * mystisk * märklig * obekant * original * originell * outsider * spöklik * sällsam * särling *underlig * utomstående * vriden
or, in English
* bizarre * character * cranky * curious * droll * eccentric * eerie * eery * erratic * funny * odd * out of the way * outlandish * outsider * peculiar * quaint * queer * spooky * strange * stranger * uncanny * unusual * weird * weirdie * weirdo
How I got out??
Portuguese solution;
The red car on picture 2 had its handbreak on. And a gear in.
Engines can be turned over more easily than you can turn a wheel with the break on.
Take three dirty mechanics, lift the back wheels of said red car from the ground.
Engine turns over and the car moves a little forward.
Repeat til there is enough space for my car to pass.