Giving up.

Whats the fucking point?
I just have to realize that this one is not going to solve itself.

Come get it, I dont fucking care any more.

First one to come here and claim it in person gets it for free;
One car; WW-Polo -97
4 Boards- 9'1 Long, 7'0 Minimal 7'2 Evo 6'2 Short
Tent, used once 3 person, pop-up version
Bedsheets, cloths, some books and beer
One turtle, water living, possible attention disorder
Bruised cock-generally useless
Some glasses n cups
One very well functioning ulcer
Complete incapability to archive just about anything
A bunch of lovely friends that unfortunately can do nothing to save me.

Pls note that the above is given away as a package (and only as a package), I am tired of it all, so have it. Then leave me here to rotten in a corner.

Postat av: ken shaw

ohh.. I can't take the package but I wouldn't mind a long board or two, the ulcer and bruised cock.


2009-01-13 @ 16:10:14
Postat av: Sandra

Hej raring, jag har inte haft möjlighet att följa din blogg på ett tag och blev ganska chockad nu. Du verkar så otroligt negativ? Är ditt liv verkligen så illa?

Ta hand om dig!

2009-01-14 @ 15:49:36

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