Word of the day
poignantly juxtaposed
...which after a good 20 minutes on different search engines and dictionaries I think means something along the lines with; sharply or precisely compared. OR?? I just love when basic books are using words that generate less than 60 000 hits on google. Must be very commonly used..
..let me just enlighten you that a little place a bit north of here had -38,2 degrees celcius yesterday.
Yupp.. thirty eight fucking minus..
so I guess todays minus 17 is not so bad..
How hard can it be?
Woke up at 7.
It is now 9.45.. and I am still not on my way.
The last solution is, as all of you who hangs around HERE knows;
Lets pretend its monday!
TPB- The Pirate Bay. The so called trial..
Follow the circus, or so called trial here;
Peter E Samuelson Twitter
Torrent Freak -Constant updates
..or just google it..
Loads of talanted, intelligent people are bloging about it :D
Already, 50% of the charges have been dropped, says something about the efficiency of the Swedish prosecution..
Two years of preparations, and this is what they come up with. Nice work..
But then again, who would have guessed anything else?
While you wait for the party to begin (when they are found not guilty on all charges) you can enjoy fast, free and wonderful downloads at; www.thepiratebay.org
Also read the about page :D
Peter E Samuelson Twitter
Torrent Freak -Constant updates
..or just google it..
Loads of talanted, intelligent people are bloging about it :D
Already, 50% of the charges have been dropped, says something about the efficiency of the Swedish prosecution..
Two years of preparations, and this is what they come up with. Nice work..
But then again, who would have guessed anything else?
While you wait for the party to begin (when they are found not guilty on all charges) you can enjoy fast, free and wonderful downloads at; www.thepiratebay.org
Also read the about page :D
Todays task
You guys bored?
I know you are Kim-tender..
So, I proudly present todays task;
Please describe this womans sexual habits, especially focusing on the excentric language she loves so much!
Another day at uni..
Minus 27 yesterday.. A bit on the nippy side..
Sun today again.
Loads of pages to be written, no inspiration.
I really hope my book gets here today, exam Saturday..
Bored I think the term is.. .
At least L is taking me to the gym today, something to look forward to :D
Sun today again.
Loads of pages to be written, no inspiration.
I really hope my book gets here today, exam Saturday..
Bored I think the term is.. .
At least L is taking me to the gym today, something to look forward to :D
Helgen ja..
Sorry for all the posts is swedish, this is just bullshit really, I got a question about how my weekend was and felt a bit inspired.. in a bad way, so you guys arnt really missing out.
Jag har väl, om man säger så, åter insett hur jävla lite man får ut av att dyngsupa så man knappt kan gå..
Och allt detta kan med fördel skyllas på ett okänt antal jävligt obegåvade kukhuven med ostämda instrument som tog uttrycket katastrofalt till helt astronomiska höjder..
(Följande är alltså inte mitt fel, utan deras!)
Trots allt; Det är då fan att det ska bond-drickas som en uttorkad kamel-hjord bara för att bandet man hör på suger så mycket balle att de med fördel skulle kunna användas som krigsmaterial..
I jordens alla kommande femhundratrettiåtta världskrig, och då pratar vi EN låt här..
I tillägg är typ alla runt en idioter eller typ 12..
....eller både och.
Gå hem bara, det är billigare och roligare.
Men tror du man lär sig nångång..
Man krökar så mycket att man trots rekord i nacho-tallriks-till-lagande frammåt småtimmarna (den gick fan med nöd och näppe in i micron) och vattenglufsande inte klarar att ta sig ur sängen för annat än att möjligen, möjligen, av nakna små flickor bli buren till perfek surf och ut-dragen på jetskii..
...Och vi vet ju hur jävla vanligt förekommande det är här i Umeå, speciellt på vintern.
Nej, istället spenderar man en hel förbannat solig och strålande vacker söndag med att omväxlande kräkas så grannen tre våningar under måste kännt vibrationerna i toaletten samt att i gnyende fosterställning försöka titta på film på sin kopiöst överprissatta skitlaptop. (som endast fungerar hjälpligt om den får stå på högkant på sidan och man inte rör fanskapet) (Fått den servad nu, får se hur länge den håller, dom bytte ju bara allt utom hårddisken..typ)
Klockan 21.43 krälar man så till köket, klättrar upp i "stående" ställning för att "tilllaga" det enda som de två hjärnceller som fortfarande visar några som helst livstecken klarar av; Nacho-tallrik.. igen.
Så allt som allt; Jo tack, förbannat värt.
Hur hade ni det?
Jag har väl, om man säger så, åter insett hur jävla lite man får ut av att dyngsupa så man knappt kan gå..
Och allt detta kan med fördel skyllas på ett okänt antal jävligt obegåvade kukhuven med ostämda instrument som tog uttrycket katastrofalt till helt astronomiska höjder..
(Följande är alltså inte mitt fel, utan deras!)
Trots allt; Det är då fan att det ska bond-drickas som en uttorkad kamel-hjord bara för att bandet man hör på suger så mycket balle att de med fördel skulle kunna användas som krigsmaterial..
I jordens alla kommande femhundratrettiåtta världskrig, och då pratar vi EN låt här..
I tillägg är typ alla runt en idioter eller typ 12..
....eller både och.
Gå hem bara, det är billigare och roligare.
Men tror du man lär sig nångång..
Man krökar så mycket att man trots rekord i nacho-tallriks-till-lagande frammåt småtimmarna (den gick fan med nöd och näppe in i micron) och vattenglufsande inte klarar att ta sig ur sängen för annat än att möjligen, möjligen, av nakna små flickor bli buren till perfek surf och ut-dragen på jetskii..
...Och vi vet ju hur jävla vanligt förekommande det är här i Umeå, speciellt på vintern.
Nej, istället spenderar man en hel förbannat solig och strålande vacker söndag med att omväxlande kräkas så grannen tre våningar under måste kännt vibrationerna i toaletten samt att i gnyende fosterställning försöka titta på film på sin kopiöst överprissatta skitlaptop. (som endast fungerar hjälpligt om den får stå på högkant på sidan och man inte rör fanskapet) (Fått den servad nu, får se hur länge den håller, dom bytte ju bara allt utom hårddisken..typ)
Klockan 21.43 krälar man så till köket, klättrar upp i "stående" ställning för att "tilllaga" det enda som de två hjärnceller som fortfarande visar några som helst livstecken klarar av; Nacho-tallrik.. igen.
Så allt som allt; Jo tack, förbannat värt.
Hur hade ni det?
Altså hur FAAAN?
Umeå universitet. Tidig eftermiddag.
(Alltså inte tunnelbanan vid slussen, kl 4 en lördag natt)
Alltså jag menar hur fan är man funtad, och hur i helvete beter man sig, rent praktiskt, för att lyckas skita på porslinskanten på toaletten, sedan fälla ner sittringen så att hela härligheten verkligen smetar ut till en enda illaluktande gel..
Verkligen, jag förstår inte.
På riktigt.
Där om någonstans har vi ett behov av forskningsstöd.
Eller avskjutning.
Ps. ni ska vara jävligt glada att jag inte hade mage att mobilfota "konstverket"
Ps2. Min nya handledare gillar att man använder kursivering och fet text för att hjälpa läsaren, så jag tränar på er, ok?
(Alltså inte tunnelbanan vid slussen, kl 4 en lördag natt)
Alltså jag menar hur fan är man funtad, och hur i helvete beter man sig, rent praktiskt, för att lyckas skita på porslinskanten på toaletten, sedan fälla ner sittringen så att hela härligheten verkligen smetar ut till en enda illaluktande gel..
Verkligen, jag förstår inte.
På riktigt.
Där om någonstans har vi ett behov av forskningsstöd.
Eller avskjutning.
Ps. ni ska vara jävligt glada att jag inte hade mage att mobilfota "konstverket"
Ps2. Min nya handledare gillar att man använder kursivering och fet text för att hjälpa läsaren, så jag tränar på er, ok?
Vadå val?
När man ska välja så är ens val alltid, oavsett typ, beroende av vilken förhandsinformation man har.
Jag hade ingen.
Så jag tog okänd men relativt vältalig och rak före definitionskåt indier eller totalt okänd annan.
Dom kalla kårarna kryper nu oroväckande längs min ryggrad.
Jag anar att ryktet han har inte kommer av en strävan efter perfektion men kanske för att dölja andra brister.
Men jag vet inte, Stök påstår ju att han är bra, kanske är mina tvivel mest förankrade i mig själv.
Vi får kanske se på måndag.
Nu ska jag författa stödanteckningar till problemställningsdiskussion.
(Kul "ord")
PS. Jag har en stavningsfri dag. Det betyder att min fördärvade hjärna vägrar stava även de lättaste ord. Och att jag skiter i det..
Jag hade ingen.
Så jag tog okänd men relativt vältalig och rak före definitionskåt indier eller totalt okänd annan.
Dom kalla kårarna kryper nu oroväckande längs min ryggrad.
Jag anar att ryktet han har inte kommer av en strävan efter perfektion men kanske för att dölja andra brister.
Men jag vet inte, Stök påstår ju att han är bra, kanske är mina tvivel mest förankrade i mig själv.
Vi får kanske se på måndag.
Nu ska jag författa stödanteckningar till problemställningsdiskussion.
(Kul "ord")
PS. Jag har en stavningsfri dag. Det betyder att min fördärvade hjärna vägrar stava även de lättaste ord. Och att jag skiter i det..
Jaha? Va det så jävla svårt att räkna ut?
Din personlighetstyp:
Kreativa, handlingskraftiga och snabbtänkta. Duktiga på många saker. Tycker om att debattera och kan vara angelägna om att få sista ordet. Entusiastiska över nya idéer och projekt, men kan brista i förmåga att hantera vardagliga rutiner. Oftast frispåkiga, uppriktiga och bestämda. Uppskattar att umgås med andra och är själva stimulerande sällskap. Utomordentlig förmåga att förstå komplicerade koncept och finna logiska lösningar på problem.
Karriärer som skulle kunna passa dig:
Entreprenörer, jurister, psykologer, fotografer, konsulter, säljare, skådespelare, ingenjörer, forskare, uppfinnare, marknadsförare, programmerare, komiker, analytiker, kreditrådgivare, journalister, psykiatriker, PR-ansvariga, designers, skribenter, artister, musiker, politiker.
Mmm kanske, med en liten parantes:
Jag äger fortfarande en guitarr (även om den forsthemsplacerats just nu) men kan fan inte ta två accord i ton..
Kreativa, handlingskraftiga och snabbtänkta. Duktiga på många saker. Tycker om att debattera och kan vara angelägna om att få sista ordet. Entusiastiska över nya idéer och projekt, men kan brista i förmåga att hantera vardagliga rutiner. Oftast frispåkiga, uppriktiga och bestämda. Uppskattar att umgås med andra och är själva stimulerande sällskap. Utomordentlig förmåga att förstå komplicerade koncept och finna logiska lösningar på problem.
Karriärer som skulle kunna passa dig:
Entreprenörer, jurister, psykologer, fotografer, konsulter, säljare, skådespelare, ingenjörer, forskare, uppfinnare, marknadsförare, programmerare, komiker, analytiker, kreditrådgivare, journalister, psykiatriker, PR-ansvariga, designers, skribenter, artister, musiker, politiker.
Mmm kanske, med en liten parantes:
Jag äger fortfarande en guitarr (även om den forsthemsplacerats just nu) men kan fan inte ta två accord i ton..
Marketing, the ability to lie so well that it takes years to find out..
Seriously. I have been slagging off my home university before, but this is getting silly!
First, read the nice little advertisement they have for my program, here (and for the lazy ones, I'll just paste a few random lines below..) when you done this, Check this link out and then tell me if you think that this is what you expect when you apply..
Examples; "We offer you many opportunities to take courses in, for example, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, USA, and New Zealand."
Sounds like very attractive sports, right? For example Australia, just imagain.. beaches, sun, great schools.. you know..
-This is the list of "partner universities" and the number of study places..
Apart from that, which is not to be forgotten, there ARE other study places NON-specific for the business school, and by the looks of things, it is among thesee many of the exchange places are found that is used in the marketing for the business program.. (But you are competing with hundreds of other students for the study place..)
I am hesitant to say that for example 1 partner university in USA with currently 0 study places, or 0 partner universities in Australia is many opportunities...
"You can also improve your competence through USBE’s international internship program, which provides you with real-life experience working in an international environment."
-Riiiiiight. If you concider these rules;
*"If you want the internship coordinator to help you find an internship, you are obligated to send in your CV and book a meeting at least 8 month in advance."
-And even with the cordinator, and this enormous time frame, you have NO guarantee to find a place since "USBE does not have fixed or pre-arranged internship positions, but there are of course a lot of contacts with companies to use when finding an internship" On top of this you have to have successfully completed both C-level courses and thesis..
Now explain to me how this is so much better than any other university or program offers?
I am not surpriced, after all, marketing is all about making a product look more attractive than it is, and the information IS out there, I just doubt that any highschool graduate is going to find it before jumping with joy over all the international opportunities he or she is going to be served..
Truth is, as always.. there is a lot of help to be had, wherever you are, but in the end it is up to you to make it happend, and not beliving in shiny advertisment..
I know I feel cheeted, and I just hope the new students are getting facts straight before ending up with less than expected..
Over and out, a bitter FireMonkey..
First, read the nice little advertisement they have for my program, here (and for the lazy ones, I'll just paste a few random lines below..) when you done this, Check this link out and then tell me if you think that this is what you expect when you apply..
Examples; "We offer you many opportunities to take courses in, for example, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, USA, and New Zealand."
Sounds like very attractive sports, right? For example Australia, just imagain.. beaches, sun, great schools.. you know..
-This is the list of "partner universities" and the number of study places..
Apart from that, which is not to be forgotten, there ARE other study places NON-specific for the business school, and by the looks of things, it is among thesee many of the exchange places are found that is used in the marketing for the business program.. (But you are competing with hundreds of other students for the study place..)
I am hesitant to say that for example 1 partner university in USA with currently 0 study places, or 0 partner universities in Australia is many opportunities...
"You can also improve your competence through USBE’s international internship program, which provides you with real-life experience working in an international environment."
-Riiiiiight. If you concider these rules;
*"If you want the internship coordinator to help you find an internship, you are obligated to send in your CV and book a meeting at least 8 month in advance."
-And even with the cordinator, and this enormous time frame, you have NO guarantee to find a place since "USBE does not have fixed or pre-arranged internship positions, but there are of course a lot of contacts with companies to use when finding an internship" On top of this you have to have successfully completed both C-level courses and thesis..
Now explain to me how this is so much better than any other university or program offers?
I am not surpriced, after all, marketing is all about making a product look more attractive than it is, and the information IS out there, I just doubt that any highschool graduate is going to find it before jumping with joy over all the international opportunities he or she is going to be served..
Truth is, as always.. there is a lot of help to be had, wherever you are, but in the end it is up to you to make it happend, and not beliving in shiny advertisment..
I know I feel cheeted, and I just hope the new students are getting facts straight before ending up with less than expected..
Over and out, a bitter FireMonkey..
Offline.. again
I am truely sorry folks, but my router has crashed.. just like the shock absorbers on my car..
So the only time I can blog is at university, which is not really helping my studies..
But I can tell all you worried souls that I am back in Umeå, it is fucking freezing and its been snowing for 3 days straight..
This morning I had the most beautiful sunrise straight in my window from a clear blue sky, so sure, there are a few things to be happy about...
...And loads not to be so happy about, but trying to achieve a slightly happier tone in this godforsaken blogg I am posting these pictures instead, the first from Flickans syster who is taking her promise to keep me relatively "unfat" seriously (further report from this day is being written, and you will laugh..)
The other ones are from our Saturday. A VERY nice night I must say, private DJ with decks and all, good friends and a very eventful afterparty.. Thanx a lot everyone that made that happend!
So the only time I can blog is at university, which is not really helping my studies..
But I can tell all you worried souls that I am back in Umeå, it is fucking freezing and its been snowing for 3 days straight..
This morning I had the most beautiful sunrise straight in my window from a clear blue sky, so sure, there are a few things to be happy about...
...And loads not to be so happy about, but trying to achieve a slightly happier tone in this godforsaken blogg I am posting these pictures instead, the first from Flickans syster who is taking her promise to keep me relatively "unfat" seriously (further report from this day is being written, and you will laugh..)
The other ones are from our Saturday. A VERY nice night I must say, private DJ with decks and all, good friends and a very eventful afterparty.. Thanx a lot everyone that made that happend!
Someone with a little inspiration.
You will get;
Cold beer
Electric trimming machine.
Money for eventual colouring
Free hands to go NUTS!
Got it?
Give me a call.
Back online..
There will be a few random posts that will not be in chronological order the next week or so since I do actually write stuff even when I am not online, I just forget to post it...
For all of you who have been asking how I got all the boards up north the solution is simple.
One world class friend and one trusted old lady of a car..
There will be a few random posts that will not be in chronological order the next week or so since I do actually write stuff even when I am not online, I just forget to post it...
For all of you who have been asking how I got all the boards up north the solution is simple.
One world class friend and one trusted old lady of a car..
Zee Germans
(Posted today because of technical dificulties when written)
I know now why the world just wont let it go.
I know.
I understand now.
-Yes, the Chinese, Russians, Africans, not to mention the Americans have committed far crueller crimes against humanity, but still, the fact that just Ze Germans always will have a bitter after-taste to its ring still prevails.
I am not saying it is a divine truth, but I think I have been socializing and in other ways been exposed to the programmed culture and mindset of these oh so strange creatures for long enough now.
The most recent example, disregarding the hat-incident which I am more bummed out about than most other mishaps and screw ups lately, I got a classic German reply as recent as yesterday.
Leaving a lot of crap behind, trying to comply with the 20Kg limit of my luggage, I mention to my former flatmate that a good 100-150 Euros worth of school material is now sitting in the “library” of our living room for the next lost Erasmus.
I get, without a whiff of irony, the following; “Good, then we can sell that to the new people to move in..
“ Yea, or you could, for once, behave like the rest of us civilized people and stop being a tight fucking bastard!?
(For the sake of house peace and because I am not sure how the speaker would react I don't say this, but I smile, almost laugh inside, because I do really find this hilarious. It actually makes me appreciate the strange breed that they are in a funny kind of way. I mean, you kind of know what to expect like, and with that sorted out, just laugh with it.. )
Another classic incident regarding this bottomless subject of confusion and fear filled amazement is the cinema incident. A bunch of mates enter the cinema, all good friends and brothers in crime when it comes to long nights on the town and other general misbehaving activities. Cuing for tickets a few are heading for the bathroom, leaving €5 for the ones in line to buy tickets Returning, Ze German is, after getting his ticket, without the slightest sign of irony in his face, holding his hand out and asking for his change. The price was €4.65...
* Don't even get me started on the frying pan story.. *
I know now why the world just wont let it go.
I know.
I understand now.
-Yes, the Chinese, Russians, Africans, not to mention the Americans have committed far crueller crimes against humanity, but still, the fact that just Ze Germans always will have a bitter after-taste to its ring still prevails.
I am not saying it is a divine truth, but I think I have been socializing and in other ways been exposed to the programmed culture and mindset of these oh so strange creatures for long enough now.
The most recent example, disregarding the hat-incident which I am more bummed out about than most other mishaps and screw ups lately, I got a classic German reply as recent as yesterday.
Leaving a lot of crap behind, trying to comply with the 20Kg limit of my luggage, I mention to my former flatmate that a good 100-150 Euros worth of school material is now sitting in the “library” of our living room for the next lost Erasmus.
I get, without a whiff of irony, the following; “Good, then we can sell that to the new people to move in..
“ Yea, or you could, for once, behave like the rest of us civilized people and stop being a tight fucking bastard!?
(For the sake of house peace and because I am not sure how the speaker would react I don't say this, but I smile, almost laugh inside, because I do really find this hilarious. It actually makes me appreciate the strange breed that they are in a funny kind of way. I mean, you kind of know what to expect like, and with that sorted out, just laugh with it.. )
Another classic incident regarding this bottomless subject of confusion and fear filled amazement is the cinema incident. A bunch of mates enter the cinema, all good friends and brothers in crime when it comes to long nights on the town and other general misbehaving activities. Cuing for tickets a few are heading for the bathroom, leaving €5 for the ones in line to buy tickets Returning, Ze German is, after getting his ticket, without the slightest sign of irony in his face, holding his hand out and asking for his change. The price was €4.65...
* Don't even get me started on the frying pan story.. *
Word of the day
Easily used for example in the following context; "Epistemological considerations loom large in considerations or research strategy. To a large extent, these revolve around the desirability of employing a natural science model (and in particular positivism) versus interpretivism*."
*"Business research methods" Alan Bryman, Emma Bell Oxford university press.
Grattis så mycket till examen då...
Jag antar att priset för din tid gått upp i takt med förväntad framtida lön.
Vafan är då så rädd för?
Nuff said.
Boards on the way
45kg boardbag is not on the way..
It costed me a small fortune, but it is on the way...
Let us now pray really really hard that Air Berelin dosnt fuck up.
I mean, its not like I have had a great deal of luck with Germans handeling my stuff so far..
A Great, great thank you to this man, to whom I owe for the transportation as well as looking after me during my last days down here, its been super my friend!
Losing stuff.. kinda what I do.
I finally find a hat that I really, really,really like.
For some reason it happends to be branded, and therefor not the usual 5Euros.. But acording to the rule of my life it ends up on someone elses head.
Somone I also happend to like...
.....maybe as much as the hat..
Then I lose that friend.
Not just during a walk around the bars, but really lose.
And with the friend, also the hat.
Damn I miss that hat.
...and maybe the friend as well..
(But that is NOT something that I write on this blog)