Anna Hamilton
...Spridda första tankar om en magisk kväll....
Ljuset är dämpat, nästan mörkt.
Maten gudomlig och vinet smeker mina sinnen.
Hon är sprudlande vacker, glad och även om jag bara fått nöjet att se henne helt flyktigt förut känns det som om jag på något konstigt sätt känner henne. Publiken förväntansfull och det är nära nog fullt kring borden. Folk trivs.
..och detta redan innan hon gått upp på scenen.
De intar scenen,
Anna Hamilton, akompanierad av min gamle vän Oskar.
Spiller ingen tid.
Tre låtar spelas utan paus.
Corona har aldrig, aldrig varit så tyst.
Magin är fullständig, carisman når hela vägen till de som vördnadsfullt viskar sina order till bartendern längst bak i lokalen..
Annas lekfulla blickar och oskyldiga,busiga och på samma gång själarörande låtar äger rummet, äger tiden.
Till och med en ordlekare som jag själv sitter mål-lös och jag är ganska säker på att jag anar en tår i ögat på kusinen som sitter brevid.
Allt jag kan säga är tack. Tack Anna Hamilton.
Nu sitter jag med en mycket tillfredställd känsla i kroppen och låter Royal Crown Revue vagga mig till sömns..
(beklagar att jag bara hittade en live-version av deras underbara låt)
Anna - Jag
Under kvällen efter spelningen refererade jag till en artickel/inlägg skriven av en av mina favoritbloggare inom ämnet men även över lag.
Jag har nu grävt upp inlägget, och du hittar det HÄR
Det resulterade senare även i det här
Tack till Andrea som påpekade att Annas myspace-länk inte fungerade, slarvigt av mig men det är nu fixat och det är bara att klicka sig in och njuta
Under kvällen efter spelningen refererade jag till en artickel/inlägg skriven av en av mina favoritbloggare inom ämnet men även över lag.
Jag har nu grävt upp inlägget, och du hittar det HÄR
Det resulterade senare även i det här
Tack till Andrea som påpekade att Annas myspace-länk inte fungerade, slarvigt av mig men det är nu fixat och det är bara att klicka sig in och njuta
Next time I fly, I want this guy on my flight!
You just gotta love this one!
Randomly found after the afternoon meditation class, amazing!
Randomly found after the afternoon meditation class, amazing!
My combo T is cooking!
I have seen it four times so far. (In the same amount of months.)
Three times he managed the very advanced prehashed mixed dish called "pyttipanna", and now, a few days ago, the grand finalé of the semester; Hamburger, fried onion, potato, egg and cheese.
I am so proud.
I have seen it four times so far. (In the same amount of months.)
Three times he managed the very advanced prehashed mixed dish called "pyttipanna", and now, a few days ago, the grand finalé of the semester; Hamburger, fried onion, potato, egg and cheese.
I am so proud.
Hmmm.. Nu ska vi se..
Finner detta så otroligt, fantastiskt roande att det nästan är värt att maila utgivarna av den här planshen och fråga va fan dom menar egentligen..
Jag menar, nog för att jag bara har en (snart färdig) sketen kandidat i ekonomi och administration och kanske inte anser att statistik är meningen med livet, men jag tror att jag ändå besitter en viss grundläggande kunskap när det gäller att läsa diagram...
Detta hittade jag vid mitt senaste besök på vårdcentralen:
Ok, visst, men ta en kik på den här detaljen;
Så nu vet ni kids, ju mer vin ni häller i er, ju mindre risk!
Så ge nu fan i det där "ett glas om dagen" smuttandet, ska du dricka, då är det mycket som gäller!!
Och tankesmedjan Polaris, de har ju uppenbarligen valt fel om de vill konsumera mer än o+ε
(vilket eof är fabulöst svårt att mängdbestämma när ingen skala finns..)
Ha en bra måndag i BiB-landets förtrollade land!
This is what you need
A new, wonderful female singer songwriter.
And she lives all the way up here..
And she plays with a dear friend of mine..
And she plays live tomorrow.
Anyone who misses this is just plain stupid.
I proudly present;
Anna Hamilton
Anna Hamilton on Myspace:
The gig at Corona tomorrow:
Radio gig the other day, tuely amazing:
Anna Hamilton on Myspace:
The gig at Corona tomorrow:
Radio gig the other day, tuely amazing:
There, just listen, fall in love and wait for the album to be released independent..
Because a girl of this calibre dosnt need a fat record company to steal her profits..
(or chasing her fans..)
One leg on the way to recovery!
By popular demand I am going to upload some pics of my mashed leg, senstive peopel beware..
This is the 27th of March, 10 days after the crash, I walk un-supported and have done my first bartender night already. I must say I heal rather fast..
Outside, Inside (click to enlarge)
These are from the 19th of March, just stitched up and 1 day before leaving the hospital;
These show how I looked between 17th - 19th of March, a bit of viewer descression is advised;
I would have been better off sitting in the snow outside.
A retard with a pot for a drum and a whisk to bang with would have been a better DJ.
To stop ourselves from sticking our penises in the electric socket we turned to Jäger.
Smart move.
I think they had a decent beer on tap though.
Thank you friends for a good preparty and a fun night!
If I ever
.. get married.
Or even have a personal event worth the effort..
Then I will fly this man in to take the pictures.
Really. I will.
He is magical!
Or even have a personal event worth the effort..
Then I will fly this man in to take the pictures.
Really. I will.
He is magical!
-suger pung.
Vad är vitsen med att blogga mer eller mindre frekvent om det ska ta dagar för inläggen att bli publicerade?
Det är fan allt jag har å säga idag, och i slutet av veckan, när jag rett upp mer pressande ärenden, då är det jag som ser mig om på riktigt efter ett nytt verktyg. Detta är fan ett skämt.
Back home again
Have been let home again and I assure you, my bed is just as boring as the hospitals..
At least we have some sun today so I limp to Uni with great help from flatmate and enjoy a coffe outside while taking a look at the exam for Tuesday.
I dont get a thing.. so I lock myself up in the library in a pathetic attempt to study.
I also have some before and after pics from the operation the other day, but as usual my own little toxic asset (aka. My Dell xps) refuses to work with my phone, regardless if I use bluetooth, cable or the cardreader.. I am not surprised.
Will try to upload them later. For now.. Take care!
I instead give you the best note a handyman could have left.. This one I found after they tried to fix my internet the first time.. Sorry for the Swedish, but it is just too funny..
At least we have some sun today so I limp to Uni with great help from flatmate and enjoy a coffe outside while taking a look at the exam for Tuesday.
I dont get a thing.. so I lock myself up in the library in a pathetic attempt to study.
I also have some before and after pics from the operation the other day, but as usual my own little toxic asset (aka. My Dell xps) refuses to work with my phone, regardless if I use bluetooth, cable or the cardreader.. I am not surprised.
Will try to upload them later. For now.. Take care!
I instead give you the best note a handyman could have left.. This one I found after they tried to fix my internet the first time.. Sorry for the Swedish, but it is just too funny..
.. på det jag skrev HÄR har nu skett.. tydligen.
Såg förbluffad denna artikel i Aftonbladet..
Och föga förvånad ser jag att även andra svenska universitet strävar bakåt och vägrar ta hjälp av den nya tekniken och dess möjligheter.. nej tacka vet jag universitet som till exempel använder iTunes U där föreläsningarna finns för nedladdning och eleverna förväntas agera som vuxna männsikor även inom universitetets väggar..
Här i Sverige har vi tydligen inga sådana inom våra högre läroverk.. vuxna, tänkande, människor alltså.
(Men det har väl redan konstfack slagit frast.. )
Exempel på skolor som lägger upp sitt undervisningsmaterial för nedladdning i olika former; MIT, Cambridge, Yale, Oxford, Stanford, university of carlifornia..
Såg förbluffad denna artikel i Aftonbladet..
Och föga förvånad ser jag att även andra svenska universitet strävar bakåt och vägrar ta hjälp av den nya tekniken och dess möjligheter.. nej tacka vet jag universitet som till exempel använder iTunes U där föreläsningarna finns för nedladdning och eleverna förväntas agera som vuxna männsikor även inom universitetets väggar..
Här i Sverige har vi tydligen inga sådana inom våra högre läroverk.. vuxna, tänkande, människor alltså.
(Men det har väl redan konstfack slagit frast.. )
Exempel på skolor som lägger upp sitt undervisningsmaterial för nedladdning i olika former; MIT, Cambridge, Yale, Oxford, Stanford, university of carlifornia..
St.Pats day.. night
A party in my flat.
My lovely friends.
Mumble, mumble.
Party noise.
Twentysomething people sings happy birthday for me.
I limp out of the room with the old, the crazy and the sick and almost shed a tear.
I just cant make up my mind if I love them for thinking of me or hate them for not being able to join..
My lovely friends.
Mumble, mumble.
Party noise.
Twentysomething people sings happy birthday for me.
I limp out of the room with the old, the crazy and the sick and almost shed a tear.
I just cant make up my mind if I love them for thinking of me or hate them for not being able to join..
St.Pats day!
I am taken up to an "waking up area" and get a number of tests run on me as well as the odd hour of sleep..
In the morning flatmate and a number of other wonderful friends are coming round and I sneak out of the hospital twice..
There is a fear amount of pain involved but all in all the day is ok. Sun outside and a quite comfotable bed..
Thanx to all of you wonderful people that visited or wrote to me!!
(Doctors orders; Do NOT stand up, Do NOT leave the bed..)
In the afternoon J also takes me for a quick ride to university..
In the morning flatmate and a number of other wonderful friends are coming round and I sneak out of the hospital twice..
There is a fear amount of pain involved but all in all the day is ok. Sun outside and a quite comfotable bed..
Thanx to all of you wonderful people that visited or wrote to me!!
(Doctors orders; Do NOT stand up, Do NOT leave the bed..)
In the afternoon J also takes me for a quick ride to university..
From the moment that the preassure device is inserted in my leg until I am in surgery it is about 10 minutes..
Exactly at the stroke of midnight my flatmate is saying happy birthday and buy and I am rushed away..
Still with a smile on my face I ask the doctor if I should be worried.
He smiles and tells me no, but he's eyes is telling another story..
I get a shot in the back but it is not enough so aditional drugs are inserted.. I am awake during the whole thing but have asked not to see..
My legs are totally gone and it is very interesting experiencing what it feels like to be paralyzed..
The night rolls on.
Exactly at the stroke of midnight my flatmate is saying happy birthday and buy and I am rushed away..
Still with a smile on my face I ask the doctor if I should be worried.
He smiles and tells me no, but he's eyes is telling another story..
I get a shot in the back but it is not enough so aditional drugs are inserted.. I am awake during the whole thing but have asked not to see..
My legs are totally gone and it is very interesting experiencing what it feels like to be paralyzed..
The night rolls on.
Back in Umeå
Feel sick as the morphine is wearing off..
Waiting in emergency with my lovely flatmate, joking and having as much fun as I can.
Still in a lot of pain, but hey.. nothing is broken right, so how bad can it be?
After three hours I get to see a doctor.
And learn the term Acute Compartment Syndrome.
For you lazy people I can say that it means muscular bleeding that raises pressure to dangerous levels with muscle tissue dying if left untreated..
A large needle is inserted in my leg and pressure is meassured..
Waiting in emergency with my lovely flatmate, joking and having as much fun as I can.
Still in a lot of pain, but hey.. nothing is broken right, so how bad can it be?
After three hours I get to see a doctor.
And learn the term Acute Compartment Syndrome.
For you lazy people I can say that it means muscular bleeding that raises pressure to dangerous levels with muscle tissue dying if left untreated..
A large needle is inserted in my leg and pressure is meassured..
...showed nothing. Like I thought.
Although I am experiencing a slight bit more pain than I think is normal.
Morphine is not helping.
I get a needle left in my arm and we are on our way with instructions to stop on the way to top up on morphine if needed.
It is.
So we stop to get more.
Dont even have to get out of the car..
A nice nurse is getting out and shoot it in the car, on the parking lot!
Drive in morphine!
Great stuff!
Not that it is helping very much, but the bumps in the road now feels almost enjoyable..
By this time 20mg have been pumped in me..
Although I am experiencing a slight bit more pain than I think is normal.
Morphine is not helping.
I get a needle left in my arm and we are on our way with instructions to stop on the way to top up on morphine if needed.
It is.
So we stop to get more.
Dont even have to get out of the car..
A nice nurse is getting out and shoot it in the car, on the parking lot!
Drive in morphine!
Great stuff!
Not that it is helping very much, but the bumps in the road now feels almost enjoyable..
By this time 20mg have been pumped in me..
End of the trip..
Five fast turns, steep powder run,
Look out in the slope at my left.
Not a single soul, so I dont hold back, leaning over and taking the turn out towards to open pist..
Suddenly the soft, yet slightly wet powder compresses just a little more than I thought and the nose of my board slips past and ends up on the wrong side of that birch-tree I was going to go over...
A millisecond later I am airborne and landing with a searing pain in my right leg.
Full force my leg have stopped my ride and I am feeling sick.
A skier stops to check up on me, I assure him I'm fine but he still gets a snow mobile.
That then calls in another one..
And then another one..
And then a doctor.
I assure nothing is broken but they insist on taking me to x-ray..
Ambulance transport and further humiliation.
No, he didnt hit the throttle full speed on the way down.. Would have been fun though :D
Look out in the slope at my left.
Not a single soul, so I dont hold back, leaning over and taking the turn out towards to open pist..
Suddenly the soft, yet slightly wet powder compresses just a little more than I thought and the nose of my board slips past and ends up on the wrong side of that birch-tree I was going to go over...
A millisecond later I am airborne and landing with a searing pain in my right leg.
Full force my leg have stopped my ride and I am feeling sick.
A skier stops to check up on me, I assure him I'm fine but he still gets a snow mobile.
That then calls in another one..
And then another one..
And then a doctor.
I assure nothing is broken but they insist on taking me to x-ray..
Ambulance transport and further humiliation.
No, he didnt hit the throttle full speed on the way down.. Would have been fun though :D
Visibility slightly worse again. But its dumping.
God is it dumping.
Sometimes I cant see the next T-bar going up the lift..
Still slightly heavy powder, but who can leave it alone when the only lines I cross going down the wide open fields and zooming between the trees are the ones I did last run... ?
Music in my ears, snow spraying in my face.. I am most probably in heaven.
God is it dumping.
Sometimes I cant see the next T-bar going up the lift..
Still slightly heavy powder, but who can leave it alone when the only lines I cross going down the wide open fields and zooming between the trees are the ones I did last run... ?
Music in my ears, snow spraying in my face.. I am most probably in heaven.
Sunday II
This little star is now doing toe-edge turns like never before!
The afternoon were spent in the panoramic sauna at the hotel. With a cold one..
Life has been worse..
The afternoon were spent in the panoramic sauna at the hotel. With a cold one..
Life has been worse..
From Saturday
(Following written on Saturday, but due to lack of internet only published now..)
First day boarding in over a year.
My legs are shaking and visibility is close to zero, but there is still a big cheeky smile on my face and by the end of the day it clears up a little bit and we manage to get a little bit of powder before the temperature rises and it all becomes a slow sucking mash that is taking every bit of strength out of me...
A few beers at the afterski and some nightboarding later I wonder to myself how I am able to even stand up after theese three days.
All in all wonderful to be away and chilling without the party crowd..
The panic attack is luring in the background from all the work that is awaiting me back in Umeå, but I still believe it is doing me good to be away..
First day boarding in over a year.
My legs are shaking and visibility is close to zero, but there is still a big cheeky smile on my face and by the end of the day it clears up a little bit and we manage to get a little bit of powder before the temperature rises and it all becomes a slow sucking mash that is taking every bit of strength out of me...
A few beers at the afterski and some nightboarding later I wonder to myself how I am able to even stand up after theese three days.
All in all wonderful to be away and chilling without the party crowd..
The panic attack is luring in the background from all the work that is awaiting me back in Umeå, but I still believe it is doing me good to be away..
Firemoneky has a birthday
...And this is what one of his kids sent him;
They know me too well..
Love you and miss you kids!
They know me too well..
Love you and miss you kids!
Money, a minor question?
Phone interview...
Will be very interesting to see what kind of position they manufature to get ends to meet..
...let's just say me and the company has got some different views on the importance of money...
....They still want me though..
Will be very interesting to see what kind of position they manufature to get ends to meet..
My afternoon..
..was something like;
..But in a very, very good way.
..But in a very, very good way.
Today I learned..
- It is short for "The Göran Persson way of solving dificult problems" and simply means that you keep paying and then blame the ones reciving the money for not spending it right.. Thank you for that
I have also recived yet another call from Swedens without doubt sexiest phone voice.. Jessica.
(When are you going to leave the sinking ship called Bostaden and get a job somewhere where people appreciate your competence, beauty and wits?)
An Expert has been at my flat and poked around in the internet socket. Lets see what funny note that generated.
(The last one was priceless, and I'll write about it as soon as THE WORLDS WORST COMPUTER MANUFACTURER gets my bluetooth to work again.. )
Over and out.
About courses..
Got my coursbook for the next course (intercultural business communication) in the mail the other day.
Flicked through 4 random chapters.
All of them on different subjects.
The main message after 10 min; Germans are cheep, always beliving their way of thinking is the superior and does not put any value in sharing or caring for a community feeling.
I think I am going to enjoy next course.
No offence ;)
And yes, my transfer is on the way, it is just the government is not really giving me any money until my credits are transfered.. Sorry!!
Flicked through 4 random chapters.
All of them on different subjects.
The main message after 10 min; Germans are cheep, always beliving their way of thinking is the superior and does not put any value in sharing or caring for a community feeling.
I think I am going to enjoy next course.
No offence ;)
And yes, my transfer is on the way, it is just the government is not really giving me any money until my credits are transfered.. Sorry!!
Brilliant om en av kärnfrågorna
Läs detta, speciellt alla ni som inte riktigt förstår vad ipred, FRA och TPB-rättegången egentligen innebär för vanligt folk.
Här är länken igen:
Om du har tid att slå ihjäl..
Min gamla vän Stefan Larsson, som jag följer lite titt som tätt, (länken fungerade tydligen inte just nu, men googla gärna, känd från sommartorpet bla) tycks ha det lite titt som tätt så jag tänkte tipsa honom om en blogg som låter som om den kommer bli riktigt intressant att föjla, men kan ju lika gärna slänga upp länken här oxå..
(Hittade den här ja googlade på mitt gamla sesångs-tillhåll Stamsund i Norge.. vilken plats ;) )
(Hittade den här ja googlade på mitt gamla sesångs-tillhåll Stamsund i Norge.. vilken plats ;) )
This is where I want to be
And this is where I would have been. If I had taken the time this weekend..
No words.
Cred to photographer Maria Taborda.
Fantastic work!
No words.
Cred to photographer Maria Taborda.
Fantastic work!
Useful advice
Finally my mother sends me some decent advice!
Found this in my mailbox this morning, I think the meeting is cancelled today..
Found this in my mailbox this morning, I think the meeting is cancelled today..
"Today, we all could probably use more calm in our lives.... A doctor on breakfast television this morning said that the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of vocka, a pockage of Prunglies, tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of the Chesescke an a box a chocolets. Yu haf no idr who fkin gud I fel. Peas sen dis orn to dem yu fee AR in ned ov inr pece :-P "
The world is not on my side
Those of you who know me know that the one thing that ticks me off like nothing else is when things are not working.
Here is a little list, just to let you get a taste of my life right now..
Especially you J who are currently uploading the crulest pics from across the globe..
*Phone-joystick has given up. Again.
*Computer- need I say more than I should have bought 5 cheep ones? Would have been cheeper and I bet they would have worked. At least better.
*Internet- This should almost be a post on its own.. but I dont have the time
*Student loan- no money until credits are transfered.. just found out I have to reapply for two of the courses
*washingmashine- stops randomly. fun.
*Car- shocks among other things.. estimated repaircost 640Euros
*Portuguse car- I still have it and if that is not enough.. estimated repair cost is about 380 Euros.. (Estimated loss total approx 1100Euros)
*Thumb- dislocated
*Brain- collapsed lets stop complaining and start working I thought this morning.
Went to the office of woman in charge of credit transfer;
"working from home, coming back monday. Please see the woman in the next office to the right of mine"
Cool, no problem I thought..
Next office;
"vacation until god knows when, please see the woman in the office to the left of mine.."
Is there any fucking point in trying?
Here is a little list, just to let you get a taste of my life right now..
Especially you J who are currently uploading the crulest pics from across the globe..
*Phone-joystick has given up. Again.
*Computer- need I say more than I should have bought 5 cheep ones? Would have been cheeper and I bet they would have worked. At least better.
*Internet- This should almost be a post on its own.. but I dont have the time
*Student loan- no money until credits are transfered.. just found out I have to reapply for two of the courses
*washingmashine- stops randomly. fun.
*Car- shocks among other things.. estimated repaircost 640Euros
*Portuguse car- I still have it and if that is not enough.. estimated repair cost is about 380 Euros.. (Estimated loss total approx 1100Euros)
*Thumb- dislocated
*Brain- collapsed lets stop complaining and start working I thought this morning.
Went to the office of woman in charge of credit transfer;
"working from home, coming back monday. Please see the woman in the next office to the right of mine"
Cool, no problem I thought..
Next office;
"vacation until god knows when, please see the woman in the office to the left of mine.."
Is there any fucking point in trying?